Key points of the lecture
There is general consensus that the teaching and learning of language cannot be separated from the teaching and learning of culture. However, there is much dispute on how teachers should carry out cultural teaching, if there is no “cultural curriculum”. The answer to this question should be based on the practical experiences of practicing teachers, for which communicative exchange is essential. This lecture focuses on two issues for discussion:
How to determine “cultural aspects” in the teaching of Chinese?
How to teach „cultural aspects“?
主讲人简介 About the Lecturer
王学松,文学博士。北京师范大学汉语文化学院教授、校学术委员会委员、教学指导委员会委员。曾先后在美国明德学院和达特茅斯大学、韩国的成均馆大学、日本金泽大学讲授汉语与中国文化课程。目前的研究工作主要集中在汉语与文化教学、中国古代文学领域。主持编著《面向第二语言教学的中华文化与跨文化传播研究》 目前主持在研项目“基于国际中文教育中文水平等级标准的文化教学分级指南”(国家语委2020)。
WANG Xuesong, Ph.D., is a professor of the School of Chinese Culture of Beijing Normal University as well as a member of the university’s academic committee and teaching steering committee. He has taught Chinese language and Chinese culture at Middlebury College and Dartmouth University in the United States, Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea, and Kanazawa University in Japan. His current research primarily focuses on the teaching of Chinese language and culture as well as on ancient Chinese literature. Prof. Wang was the chief editor of „Research on Chinese Culture and Intercultural Communication for Second Language Teaching“ ,and currently presides over the research project „Grading Guidelines for Cultural Teaching Based on the Chinese Proficiency Standards in International Chinese Education“ (National Language Commission 2020).
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讲座将用中文进行 This lecture will be held in Chinese.