Abstract: Chinese function words (虚词xuci ) are an important feature of Chinese grammar, and they stand for a point of difficulty for foreign students learning the Chinese language. In the study of function words, foreign students maintain a serious state of “fossilization”. Therefore, every Chinese language teacher or researcher should face questions such as how to combine teaching and research of Chinese function words, as well as explore scientific and effective teaching methods and research methods. The lecture will provide an insight on the principles of teaching function words (distinguishing between theoretical grammar and teaching grammar), teaching methods of Chinese function words (lecture and participation, practice and interaction, form and reappearance) and will analyze cases of teaching Chinese function words.
The lecture will be held in Chinese language.
简介:李晓琪, 北京大学对外汉语教育学院教授、博士生导师,“北京大学汉语口语自动化考试”研发负责人,中文教学现代化学会会长。自1984年从事对外汉语教学工作以来,曾先后赴美国纽约州立大学、美国明德暑期学校、美国斯坦福大学、法国巴黎十大任教。研究领域为对外汉语教学(学科建设、教材编写、语言测试、师资培训等)和现代汉语语法。发表研究论文50余篇,出版编著、工具书10余部,编写和主编汉语教材50余部。其中,《快乐汉语》获中国国家汉办“优秀汉语教材”奖。《博雅汉语》评为“2016年北京大学优秀教材”。出版专著《现代汉语虚词讲义》和《汉语第二语言教材编写》。曾任北京大学对外汉语教育学院院长,世界汉语教学学会常务理事,“商务汉语考试”(BCT)研发负责人,《汉语教学学刊》主编。
LI Xiaoqi is professor and academic advisor for doctoral students at the School of Chinese as a Second Language at Peking University, in charge of the research and development of the Automated “Spoken Chinese Test (SCT)” and president of the Chinese Society for Modernization of Chinese Language Education. Since 1984, she has trained a large number of future teachers and researchers in the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language in the United States and in France. Among her research interests are different aspects of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, such as textbook compilation, language tests, teacher training, as well as Modern Chinese grammar. Her publication of research papers, books and textbooks include prize-winning textbooks such as “Happy Chinese” or “Boya Chinese”, which in 2016 was rated as “Peking University Excellent Teaching Material”. She was the dean of the School of Chinese as a Second Language at Peking University, permanent council member of the World Chinese Language Teaching Association, head of the research and development of the “Business Chinese Test (BCT)” and chief editor of the “Journal of Teaching Chinese” (汉语教学学刊).